My Year of Blog-ness

One year ago this month I started a blog. Why you ask? Well I was getting noodled by my friend Gabriel to blog. So I did. I started blogging just as a way to remember things that I vist on the many places and things I have see on the net. Then as one does, you post more and more things that are interesting. You link to things … and then suddenly people start link to you. Much to my amazement, it happens often.

After one year of being an “unknown” on the mighty thing called the web, my site is doing pretty good. According to (another neat thing from the mind of Gabriel). I have a Google Page Rank of 5, MSN search has found 9 links, Alexa gives me a traffic rank of 329,810 and Technorati ranks me at 146,311.

I say all of this not to boast, but in awe of how the net works and how interconnected blogging has become. It is pretty cool. Frankly all the rankings and things are a neat side effect of the things that I write about and link to but what it does tell me is that people out there find the things that I find of interest and from time to time let le know about it.

That is all there is about that. Lets see what the next neato thing there is!