Burger Thief Magic

My Year of Blog-ness

One year ago this month I started a blog. Why you ask? Well I was getting noodled by my friend Gabriel to blog. So I did. I started blogging just as a way to remember things that I vist on…

Lost Action Figures

IGN: Lost Series 1 Pics

FireFox RULES!

I have been blogging for almost a year. My does time fly. As you know, FireFox is truly the better browser, but the populas uses Internet Explorer. Well I am happy to report that FireFox wins as the browser of…

Minority Report Becomes Reality

My friend Matt who is new blogger told me about this. This is so cool ! I came across this during a random stumble and am very excited. Jeff Han, a research scientist at NYU has been working with new…

St. Louis MetroLink

This is a cool picture that I snapped with my camara phone. It came out very nice.

Windows Vista Speech Recognition Demo Gone Awry

Another sad Vista Demo