The Top PCs of 1982

Popular Mechanics was definitely ahead of the curve when it came recognizing the fact that copy protection can stifle innovation: It used to be that programs were easy to copy and change. But manufacturers began to lose money as many…

Hamster-powered shredder

“Hamster Shredder” is an ingenious hack — the hamster-powered paper-shredder fills the cade with shredded paper bits that the little guy can use to line the nest. From Boing Boing Hamster-powered shredder

The Blues

No I am not singing the blues, but rather very excited for the future. This season of Blues hockey did not start out as well as anticipated. Yes there was new management, new owners but the same coach. As soon…

Google Maps Are Cool

So, Google maps are a neat thing. They help you transverse from place to place and even give you step by step directions from place to place. Check out what happens when you ask Google to give you directions from…

April Fools Day

Top 100 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes Of All Time