Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Adventure FilmMoviesVideoTV

Ok .. This is my new project. A little nook on the net for what I think about television, video and movies. Since I like Sci-Fi and Fantasy ironically that what will be posted. It is all good. Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Adventure —…

How to Sell a Movie (or Fail) in Four Hours – New York Times

IF you think life is moving too fast – hyped up with BlackBerries, blogs, podcasts and instant messages – imagine what it is like to run a movie studio these days. How to Sell a Movie (or Fail) in Four…

Classic Movie Scripts

Welcome to Classic Movie Scripts Scripts and Transcripts to Classic Movies (and others) made before 1970. Welcome to Classic Movie Scripts

Wallace & Gromit

This is something you just have to love. Wallace is great and has a love of cheese. And then there is Gromit, who says so much without saying a word. Watch Wallace and Gromit, they are the best. If you…

Star Wreck: In The Pirkinning

After seven years of production, Star Wreck: In The Pirkinning, the Finnish Star Trek / Babylon 5 parody movie, was finally released on DVD a month ago and is now available for download. In spite of its practically zero budget,…


Perhaps one of the best cult sci-fi shows to come along in a long time, FireFly but was canceled by FOX just after a handfull of episodes. So, they goofed bigtime and here is the moition picture … aren’t fans…

Escape from L.A. – Call me Snake

Escape from L.A. (1996) just finished on Sci-Fi channel as I geek out. Hard to believe that this is just one year shy of 10 years old. I “listen” to TV more than actually watch it.