Voyage During the Storm

Dark as the night, blue in day White with foam, not as far to see Endless as sky, deep as mountains high Roaring like the lion at noon time Calm as the dove; Sometimes silver like a dime The seas…

It is done.

The battle is loud, the tears are heard; White are the faces, red is the bone People running from themselves. Black is our world, man is alone The calm before the storm, legions will fight A call to arms for…

Hard Drive is the New Bling

Kind a neat … does it have you want to buy a Hitachi hard drive? Hard Drive is the new bling It does take a bit to load … ok a couple of bits


Not the kind you think I was thinking … new things on the site, new graphics and other things. It is my attempt to be better than I was before. I often wonder if people actually see, othere that friends…

what is zob?

… zob is Zarius One Blog. My friend Gabriel has been hounding me to blog so alas.