Yoda Limited-Edition Sculpture

You can get this limited edition Yoda for only $599.95 but if you want to “clone” him, that is only, $479.96 Yoda, the wise Jedi Master, is sculpted lifelike and life-size in a commanding pose — armed and ready for…

101 Dumbest Moments in Business

Giving new meaning to the phrase a day late and a dollar short, it has been more than a year after the humiliating “bic pen” debacle of 2004 that cost the company an estimated $15 million. Here is a short…

To Boldly Go Where No Fan Has Gone Before

The original Star Trek set out on a five-year mission that network execs cut short in 1969. Now a new confederation of amateur Kirk worshippers and studio renegades is repairing the space-time continuum and finishing the job. James Cawley, who…