To Boldly Go Where No Fan Has Gone Before

The original Star Trek set out on a five-year mission that network execs cut short in 1969. Now a new confederation of amateur Kirk worshippers and studio renegades is repairing the space-time continuum and finishing the job.

James Cawley, who plays Kirk, and director Jack Marshall are the cocreators of Star Trek: New Voyages. They are repairing a rift in the space-time continuum, fixing the most glaring flaw in the history of science fiction. As every geek in the galaxy knows, Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise set out on a five-year mission to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before. But NBC canceled the show in 1969 after only three seasons. New Voyages aims to fill fans in on what they missed. In September, Cawley and Marshall assembled more than 50 Trek lovers from across the US (and the UK and Canada) to shoot the third episode of what should’ve been season four. At their current pace of one episode a year, they’ll finish the five-year mission in 2054.

This spring they will release episode three, titled “To Serve All My Days.” Like the first two episodes of New Voyages, it will be downloadable for free at You’ll also be able to snag bonus features, outtakes, and commentaries. You can burn it all to a disc and put it on the shelf between your Star Trek the Original Series – The Complete Third Season boxed set and your Star Trek: The Motion Picture director’s edition DVD.

Wired 13.12: To Boldly Go Where No Fan Has Gone Before