I like Adobe Photoshop just as much as the next guy and it is really great when you need to really work with an image, modify the contrast, levels and so on. It works great when you need layers and…
A Frozen Wave
The water froze the instant the wave broke through the ice. That is what it is like in Antarctica where it has had the coldest weather in decades. Water freezes the instant it comes in contact with the air. The…
Winter Storm
There was a fast moving storm that started yesterday afternoon and it snowed all afternoon and night. This is a picture of our house in the morning. We got around 6 to 8 inches of snow.
Crocs in Socks
George Bush wearing crocs and yes socks. I recently got pair of crocs, they are really comfortable, and it was mentioned that one should not wear socks with their crocs.
Solar eclipse viewed from spacecraft
On Feb. 25, 2007, NASA scientists were calibrating some cameras aboard the STEREO-B spacecraft and they pointed the instruments at the sun. No human has ever witnessed a solar eclipse quite like this: NASA’s STEREO-B spacecraft was about a million…
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